Tuesday 15 April 2014

ESP in offshore

We were told to reduce fat when come to dieting. Same goes when come to cholesterol control. Cut your fat especially those with saturated fat. 

Try doing that in offshore life where you got 6 meals a day. For those staying in Living Quarters we can even go for our 7th meals before going to sleep. I know because occasionally I took my 7th meals, especially when the galley served chicken chop for the night shift crew. For night shift crew, 12:00 mid night is equivalent to their "lunch" hour. So for me, after my late office tasks, before going up for bed, I made a "quick" stop at the galley and joined them.

I know offshore personnel are particular on their health, especially when it is nearly time for our routine medical check up. Should the check up result reveals that we are "medically not fit", we'll be grounded (it means no offshore trip for you). For majority, this will impact on our salary earnings.

So when come to reducing fat in our meals, the easiest thing to do is to avoid taking particular meals. Some will only consume fruits and vegetable. Some will go for light meals. But one thing that we tend to forget is that most of our Protein sources (egg, chicken, milk, etc) have a lot fat attached to it. So by cutting fat in our meals, it could possiblly lead to low protein level.

Why we need Protein? General speaking we are made of Protein. Protein is responsible for many body functions:
- It builds and repair body cells, hormones and enzymes.
- Skin, hair and nails are made of protein.
- Growth, wound recovery, stress, pregnancy, and nursing increase the need for protein.

Thus it is important that we keep close monitoring to our daily protein intake to ensure optimum body function. The correct protein intake will helps to achieve the above intentions, plus it also come with a bonus. Research shown that taking soy protein, especially the isolated soy protein helps to reduce the "bad cholesterol"(LDL). This is a bonus, because high cholesterol is what we want to avoid in our medical report, right?

To make sure I had a good protein intake while offshore, I take Energy Soy Protein (ESP). Normally I will have a cup after the Operation meeting. 1 spoon of ESP mixed it with 1 spoon of Meal Shakes.

Shaklee ESP is my choice because:
- it is naturally low in fat (unlike the protein from eggs, meat, etc)
- it is from the non-GMO (Genetically Modified Organism),
- it provides the nine essential amino acids needed by the body to synthesize protein.
- most importantly it is lactose and cholesterol free.

Shaklee ESP

Are we monitoring our protein intake? Make sure we consume the right protein source; which provides all the Essential Amino Acids (the body cannot produce). Remember that there are also Non-Essential amino acids (the body can produce), which if consumed excessively could probably leads to imbalance protein in our body!

Until my next entry, safe working.

Naquib Hussain

Improving Health - Generating Wealth - Developing People - Enjoying Life

A Working At Home Dad; with financial freedom and time for the family.
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